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From the Duckett HTML book:

  1. Chapter 5: “Images” (pp.94-125)
  1. Chapter 11: “Color”
    • At first you should know that we use CSS to add style to Html which made it more attractive
    • Color not only brings your site to life, but also helps X convey the mood and evokes reactions.
    • there are three type to select color : by name , hsl or hlsa , rgb or rgba.
    • we can add color to background page.
    • RGB values.
      1. RED
      2. GREEN
      3. BLUE
      4. Alpha


   1. Hue
   2. Saturation
   3. Lightness
   4. ALPHA 


* opacity: the opacity property which allows you to specify the   opacity of an element and any of its child elements. The value is a number between 0.0 and 1.0

  1. Chapter 12: “Text”
    • there are font three font type.
      1. Serif :erif fonts have extra details on the ends of the main strokes of the letters. These details are known as serifs
      2. SanS-Serif :Sans-serif fonts have straight ends to letters, and therefore have a much cleaner design.
      3. Monospace :Every letter in a monospace (or fixed-width) font is the same width. (Non-monospace fonts have different widths.
    • font weight it may be between black & light.
    • font Style it will be normal or italic or oblique.
    • font stretch :(condensed or regular or extended)
    • sometimes our browser doesn’t have the font we want so we copy the link for font from web then we put it in our css file.
