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From the Duckett HTML book:

  1. Chapter 16: “Images” (pp.406-427)
    • You can control the size of an image using the width and height properties in CSS.
    • we can use float with images.
    • images are inline elements. This means that they flow within the surrounding text. In order to center an image, it should be turned into a blocklevel element using the display property with a value of block.
    • The background-image property allows you to place an image behind any HTML element. This could be the entire page or just part of the page. By default, a background image will repeat to fill the entire box.
    • The background-attachment property specifies whether a background image should stay in one position or move as the user scrolls up and down the page. It can have one of two values:fixed or scroll.
    • When an image is not being repeated, you can use the background-position property to specify where in the browser window the background image should be placed.
    • The background property acts like a shorthand for all of the other background properties you have just seen, and also the background-color property.
    • If you want to overlay text on a background image, the image must be low contrast in order for the text to be legible.



  2. Chapter 19: “Practical Information” (476-492)
    • search engine oPtimization (seo).
    • In every page of your website there are seven key places where keywords (the words people might search on to find your site) can appear in order to improve its findability.
    • As soon as people start coming to your site, you can start analyzing how they found it, what they were looking at and at what point they are leaving. One of the best tools for doing this is a free service offered by Google called Google Analytics.
    • The overview page gives you a snapshot of the key information you are likely to want to know. In particular, it tells you how many people are coming to your site.
    • The content link on the left-hand side allows you to learn more about what the visitors are looking at when they come to your site.
    • The traffic sources link on the left hand side allows you to learn where your visitors are coming from.
    • As the name suggests, File Transfer Protocol (or FTP) allows you to transfer files across the Internet from your computer to the web server hosting your site